Thur June 6, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri June 7, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri June 21, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Thur July 11, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri July 5, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri July 19, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Weekend #31
Sept 26-29, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
Weekend #31
Oct 10-13, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
| |
Prayer Requests

The effect of our prayers can be very powerful, especially when we all
pray together. We maintain an email list of Cursillistas who wish to
receive notices of prayer requests from other Cursillistas. If you would
like to add your email address to the list, please send a request to Dan
and Julianne O'Brien.
To send a prayer request to be sent out to this group, also send it to Dan
and Julianne O'Brien who will forward it to the email list. We will
also add it to this page, but since this is a public forum, we will edit
them to remove last names and other personal identifying information.
April 15, 2002
Please pray for Kim's grandma, Sylvia to your prayer
petitions. She is in the hospital for water around her
heart. Join Kim in praying for peace, comfort and healing.
She is lonely, although she has many visitors. In Christ,
Pray for a the couples that attended the Marriage
Encounter W/end in Plano, TX. Friday, April 12th through
Sunday, April 14th. Approximately 24 couples made the
weekend. Pray that the Holy Spirit blesses them in their
relationship w/each other and w/God.
Please pray for a co-worker of mine whose wife has been
battling cancer. In addition to the obvious stress and
concern over the cancer itself, he is self employed and
loosing many days and hours of work making it difficult, if
not impossible, to pay the mounting bills. Dan
Please pray for the new cursillistas coming off of the
men's weekend. We look forward to meeting with them and
hearing the excitement and commitment that we all share.
Please pray for the upcoming women's Cursillo weekend.
May God bless the candidates, team, sponsors and all those
who have worked so hard in prayer and action to spread the
good news.
I have been asked by a number of people to pass on the following
prayer for our troops:
Prayer Wheel: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a
prayer for our ground troops in Afghanistan and those who
are protecting us all over the world. .....Of all the gifts
you can give a U.S. soldier, Prayer is the very best one ! !
! ! DeColores! Dan |
April 8, 2002
I talked with Dawn last night and her and Rob had just
found out that they were expecting while they were away for
Easter with Family. Dawn is having some trouble and is on
bed rest right now. Rob is working this Cursillo Weekend and
Dawn's mother is with her. Rob & Dawn have been down
this road many times and before and they would really
appreciate the prayers. They would also appreciate it if
nothing was said in front of Abigal right now. Could you
pass this along on the prayer chain. God's Blessings,
In thanksgiving for a full scholarship to Ft.Smith Comm.
College (for volleyball) that Nikki recieved.
Please pray for troubled marriages. |
April 5, 2002
Please add Becky, my sister-in-law, to the prayer list,
as she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank you and
God bless you. Lynn
Please pray for my son. He is on drugs. I have prayed for
him, talked to him, but it does no good so i am putting him
in God's hands. God bless Clarence
Sr. Colleen Moran, O.P. died last night, 4/3. Please pray
for her and her family. There will be a memorial Mass Thur.
the 11th of April at Sts. Peter and Paul Church at 7:00 p.m. |
April 4, 2002
A friend's husband just had a cancerous lump found in his
chest. Please pray for him and his family in this uncertain
time as they continue to have this diagnosed further.
DeColores, Sharon.
Please pray for the men who will begin living their
Cursillo tonight. Pray for the team so they will be open to
be instruments for our Lord.
Pray for the newly formed Kairos team (prison ministry)
who will have their first Kairos held in the state of Kansas
at the end of April at the Hutchinson Reformatory. My uncle,
Fr. Jerry Beat, and my parents will be on the teams.
DeColores, Julianne |
April 2, 2002
In light of what has recently hit the headlines regarding
the sex scandal in the Church, it is time to "take up
arms" and declare a HOLY WAR! Let us do battle for the
many holy priests that we all know and love. Let's storm
heaven with prayers. I am suggesting that the following
prayer, along with the Scripture passage, be prayed and
meditated upon everyday for 30 days. Forward this on to
everyone in your address book and ask them to do the same.
(This prayer can be found in the Divine Mercy Booklet by
Saint Faustina) O my Jesus, I beg you on behalf of the whole
Church: Grant it love and the light of Your Spirit and give
power to the words of the priests so that hardened hearts
might be brought to repentance and return to you, O Lord.
Lord, give us holy priests; You yourself maintain them in
holiness. O Divine and Great High Priest, may the power of
Your mercy accompany them everywhere and protect them from
the devil's traps and snares which are continually being set
for the souls of priests. May the power of Your mercy, O
Lord, shatter and bring to naught all that might tarnish the
sanctity of priests, for You can do all things. I ask You
for a special blessing and for light, O Jesus, for the
priests before whom I will make my confessions throughout my
lifetime. Amen.
And, from 1 Peter: To the elders among you I, a fellow
elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and sharer in the
glory that is to be revealed, make this appeal. God’s
flock is in your midst; give it a shepherd’s care. Watch
over it willingly as God would have you do, not under
constraint; and not for shameful profit either, but
generously. Be examples to the flock, not lording it over
those assigned to you, so that when the chief Shepherd
appears you will win for yourselves the unfading crown of
glory. (1 Peter 5:1-4) Please pass this on! |
April 1, 2002
Please pray for Sister Colleen Moran (past principal of
All Saints) who is in critical condition from a genetic lung
disease. She is in a hospital in Minneapolis. Her family has
been called to the hospital. Beth
My father, Don, experienced shortness of breath early
last week and went to doctor. They ran tests and found 90%
blockage on one side of heart and 70% on other as well as
blockage in veins to the brain. He will be having open heart
surgery this Wednesday 4/3 at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas
City. We are very thankful that no heart attack or stroke
has happened and that by God's Will and healing hand he will
be stronger. Thank you. Steve
Please pray for Dan's mom, JeanAnn, as she will undergo a
procedure on her knee tomorrow (Tue). Thanks, Julianne
Please continue to pray for my friend, Amy, who had a
mastectomy last month. She went in to have chemo last week
and her port wasn't connected properly. Please pray that she
doesn't suffer any tissue damage. Julianne
Please pray for our Men's Cursillo this week, for the
team, the candidates and the success of the weekend. |
March 26, 2002
Please ask for prayer for Leroy, the father of Richard,
recent Cursillista. His Dad had colon cancer removed two
weeks ago and now he is bleeding internally. They reopened
the colon surgery and restitched him but now he seems to be
bleeding from somewhere else. Thank you for your prayers. He
has gone to Kansas City to be with his Dad but hopes to be
back on Wednesday. Va
Also, I received a request from Cynthia. She has a friend
whose son Tyler, 8 yrs old, collapsed and is in complete
kidney failure. Tyler lives in San Antonio, TX. Please pray
for him and for his family as the doctor's don't give him
much chance of survival. Thank you.
Please pray for my friend Rita who is in critical
condition from complications following open heart surgery.
The heart surgery went well, but she has now suffered a
ruptured intestine (they removed 90% of her large and small
initestine) and other complications. Please pray for her
family, as well. In Christ's Peace, Beth
Staci of our parish is in need of prayer and support. Her
father is in the hospital with a recent stroke and today her
brother died after suffering 2 strokes. Her brother will be
buried from Floral Haven here in Tulsa on Friday. We are
checking on needs of the family and how many will be at the
lunch after the funeral at Floral Haven. |
March 25, 2002
My friend Beth, who lived in Tulsa and taught at Bishop
Kelly High School, will undergo an 8 hr. open-heart surgery
on Thursday, March 28 at the Stanford University Medical
Center. It is one of only two places that offer this
surgery, to repair a thickened lining of the heart probably
caused by the radiation therapy used in her breast cancer
treatment here at in Tulsa. Please keep her and her family
in your prayers.
God bless you all for your persevering faith and
knowledge of the goodness of God in spite of our human
suffering. May our God, who spared not His only Son, use our
suffering to bring our families to a deeper faith in Him.
Joan |
March 24, 2002
Update on George Yott: A special thank-you from my Dad
and our whole family for the prayers. It is such a
reassuring feeling knowing your community is there for you
and praying. And God answers prayers! Dad was released from
the hospital on Thursday 3/21. We are so thankful that tests
were clear of scary things such as brain tumors etc. Unsure
of exactly what caused the seizure but it could be that
blood pressure may be the problem. Dad will have further
appointments to try and find the reason and help prevent
further problems but he is feeling much better. Please
continue to pray for George and Lu. Mom may need back
surgery soon and Dad is supposed to have knee surgery on
April 2 ND, if they don't postpone due to resent situation.
Thank you in advance for your wonderful prayers and Thanks
be to God! Julie
Dear Prayer Warriors, I come to you to ask for prayers
for Gisele and her family. On March 3, Gisele was in an auto
accident in Colorado. Her spine was severed. The doctors
felt that if she survived the surgery and recovered, she
would be a quadriplegic. She is in her first year of
college. The family lost their oldest boy in an auto
accident when he was a senior in high school. Her brother,
Lars can't believe that he may lose another sibling. Their
mother was in Trinidad and the father is a merchant marine
so both traveled immediately to be by her side.
On March 16 I learned that Gisele has now undergone two
surgeries and is expected to live. She has been able to
breathe on her own and is off the ventilator. She can shrug
her shoulders but cannot move her arms or hands. The doctor
said that may come with time, but he cannot say for sure if
she will recover the use of her arms. She has great faith!!!
She can only mouth words, but she was able to talk when she
was first brought in. She only had the car for one day, it
was an Izusu Trooper. The truck in front of her had
something fall off of it and she swerved to avoid hitting
it. Her car rolled and the roof collapsed on her and severed
her spine. So no one else was injured. Her Mom and dad,
grandmother, brother and aunt are in Colorado with her. Her
other brother is going to see her on spring break. Sue
Please pray for Pam's mom as she will be undergoing chemo
this Wed. as her cancer has spread. Her mom's good friend,
Ann, passed away this past week, please pray for the repose
of her soul. |
March 21, 2002
Just received a message from Danny & Julie re Julie's
dad and one of our Cusillo patriarchs as well as our brother
in Christ - George. George was hospitalized last night
(3/18) in McAlester with a seizure and is doing better today
(3/19), but undergoing many tests to determine the cause.
Please pray for George, his wife Lou, and the entire Yott
extended-family. Pray for skill and wisdom for the Doctor's
to determine what is going on, and for grace and peace and
healing for George & Lou.
Please pray for deliverance for my nephew Matthew from
his addiction to crack cocaine and for courage and strength
to his parents to attend alanon and to give him tough love
instead of enabling.
Please pray for Michael John Poirier. We hear that he has
shingles and needs our prayer and support. May God place his
healing touch upon him. Sharon |
March 16, 2002
Please pray for my friend Liz who is suffering with
a kidney stone, my it pass without much pain. and for
all those traveling over spring break my we all have safe
trips. praise the lord, and god bless us all, Eve
Dear Prayer Warriors, This is an urgent prayer request
from our sister in Christ, Jen. Jen is witnessing to 2
people who are involved with the masons. By anyone's
measure, she is on a major mission for our Lord (although
does He ever send His faithful on "minor"
missions?) The details are explained more fully below.
For those who need bullet points, please pray for Jen,
please pray for Helen, and please pray for Helen's husband
Through Him, With Him, In Him, prayer warrior Sue
Dear Sue, Right now, I hold down a ladies bible study
each week.
One of the ladies, pray for her please, her name is
Helen. When I first learned Helen was highly involved with
the Eastern Star, I had heard that the Mason were a cult
group, so naturally I studied everything I could get my
hands on about them. I found out just how bad a secret
society that organization is. It's highly into satanic
worship, to my horror! But outwardly, the Eastern Star does
much charitable work as a cover.
There are many, many, people in the group that do not
know what goes on in the higher ranks. There is a book
called "Hidden Secret of the Eastern Star", and
also "Masonry beyond the Light" they were a wealth
of information to me. You can find them at most Christian
book stores in the cult section.
I knew I had to confront her, because at this time she
was seeking the truth about the bible! She has yet to see
all that is wrong with Praying around a Satanic Pentagram,
and other various rituals! But the Lord is faithful, and I
know he didn't have me expose the Eastern Star for no
reason. The Lord will convict her heart in his due time. And
I think she already suffers from conviction, she just has to
make a choice of who she wants to follow.... And seek her
answers from the scriptures.
In fact I was very frightened to expose them. And for
days I didn't do it.... But God said I had to, & I
couldn't stand the thought that she may suffer an eternal
death because I was without courage! How could I answer to
God for that? That would be an unbearable burden to my
heart. I thank God, and give him all the credit, that I
finally found the courage to do it!
Helen is one of the ladies that attends our weekly ladies
Bible Study. In fact, it was started on her account, back in
November 2001! Helen calls me several times a week with
lengthy questions for me, which require much scriptural
research. Pray that the Lord will make this effort to free
Helen from the Eastern Star "fruitful".
Also might I say, that she found her bible laying open on
her bed, to the first page of Isaiah. She was without a
doubt positive that she had left her bible in the other
room. It really scared her, but she said if Jesus wanted her
to read Isaiah, then she guessed she would be reading the
book of Isaiah! Praise Be To God!
The Lord is using me, and for that once again I am very
Thankful.... to the best of my knowledge, I have never led
anyone directly to Christ. Pray for her husband Gene also,
he is very receptive, much more so than Helen, about what
the Masonic group is all about. And he has told me that much
of what I tell him is true, and there are some pretty scary,
and shaky things that go on in the groups. He himself is a
33 degree Mason! But hasn't attended a Masonic meeting for
years, however continues to pay his yearly dues. The Lord
provides me frequent opportunity to share his word with Gene
also. Gene is a 71 yr. male... retired, and I do have coffee
with him frequently! I have even been able to get him to
read the Bible.... a little bit.... :)
I'm sorry for pouring all this on you, but in a sense, It
all needs prayer.... Please pass it on. I pray that I don't
get any hate mail for my comments about the Masons.
I see that the 2 missing girls have made National news.
The FBI are now searching through both of the girls home
computer's thinking maybe there was someone on the Internet
that has been a lure to them. Remember to keep (Ashley,
& Amanda) in your prayers. I know the Lord is working on
this! Blessings to you In Christ, Jennifer <*}}}><
If you have received this prayer request through someone
else and would like to receive future prayer requests
directly, please click on this link: Please send me prayer
requests |
March 13, 2002
I have an important prayer request. There are 2 girls
missing from an Oregon City, Oregon apartment complex. One
turned up missing in December 2001, and the other in March
2002. I know the Lord knows where they are, and if they are
safe. I know the Lord will answer our prayers. I don't know
if this has made National News or not, but I do know they
will be profiled on Americas Most Wanted this coming
Some details of this case are: both girls live in the
same apartment complex, both girls are friends, both girls
go to the same Jr. High School, they are both on the same
dance team, and they are both similar in appearance, also
that they had to walk through a wooded area to catch the
school bus.
There is NO INDICATION that these girls are run a ways.
They left the same as every morning to go to school, and
took nothing with them but their schoolbooks.
Other parents are scared, & worried for the rest of
the Children in the complex, and the school bus has started
picking children up in the apartment complex. The Lord has
really weighed it on my heart to be in prayer for these
girls. I believe in the Miracles of God, I believe that God
protects and comforts those that are in need.
Please, get down on your knees with me in prayer for
these girls! May the grace & love of God touch you all!
In His Service, Jen |
March 11, 2002
I spent the weekend with Rob and Karen. He had been
dismissed from the hospital earlier in the week, but
undergoing serious outpatient treatments. On Friday evening,
while at home, he experienced 2 seizures. Had to be
transported by ambulance back to the hospital--he is still
there, but get to go home today again. Indications were that
his heart rate lowered to such an extent that the seizures
occurred. He is not well!, as I can now personally attest.
Karen is exhausted. Please keep up the prayers as the
Griffins continue their struggle with the effects of Rob's
leukemia and the serious nature of the treatments. I will
keep you updated. Suzanne
Please pray for our 8 month old son Jacob who will
undergo surgery tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12th to have tubes
placed in his ears. Regards, Art and Lisa
A cursillista forwarded this: PLEASE PRAY!!!!!! At 10am
this morning I received a prayer request from church. Cathy,
who attends Spring Hills, called in to our secretary. Her
husband, Tony, is an Airforce commander in Afghanistan. She
received an urgent email from him this morning. It said,
"We need Christians to pray, pray, pray. We're in a
Blood Bath here!" Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their commanders. Pass this on
to as many as you think will respond. 3/9/02 |
March 8, 2002
Please pray for a friend who has a 21 year old son who is
currently in prison. The situation has caused great stress
on the marriage and seperation between Fater and son to the
point of the son telling his father not to come and see him
anymore. He and his wife are going to the prison Saturday to
see thier son at 8:30AM. I ask that our prayers be directed
to the Holy Spirit at that time for healing of all the
wounds caused by this situation and a renewal of the son's
faith in God. Kenny L.
Please pray for me and my co-workers as some of us were
laid off today from WCG due to the financial struggles of
the company to survive. I am asking God for guidance for
employment for myself and my friends and for those who are
still at WCG to handle the work load. For all of us will
need strength to get through these tough times. Thank you!
Please pray for our nephew, Scott, who is 9 mos. old and
will be having tubes in his ears on Monday. Pray for his
doctor, Scott's recovery and its success of the the fluids
to drain properly. Julianne
Pray for the upcoming Men's and Women's Cursillo Weekends |
March 7, 2002
Please pray for my friend Layne who owns a small business
in Tulsa. His business is in very poor financial condition.
He has state and federal tax authorities and numberous other
creditors pressuring him. His dream of a successful small
business has become a living nightmare. His wife is not
supportive and will not talk to him and wants a divorce. He
feels all alone and is considering suicide. Thank you! Steve
This is prayer request is from Nancy. After having been
given a clean bill of health in September, my 68 year old
cousin, Wanda has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. As of
1.16.02 they hadn't decided on their course of action. The
Doctor said, "get all the prayers you can". I
would deeply appreciate your prayers for her. She is such a
wonderful person and has endured many trials in her life. We
know God does work miracles and indeed we are asking him for
A few days after I sent in her name, Wanda went in for a
lung biopsy. They immediately opened her up and said she was
full of cancer and closed her up. She is taking chemo and so
far has had two treatments. She is very discouraged given
that she has always had a complete physical each year and
has always been given a clean bill of health. Now they have
told her they think she has had this for 7 or 8 years.
We are still praying for complete recovery and are asking
for both physical and emotional strength for her during this
time. Wanda also has a son-in-law, Joe Corall from Ohio, who
is in stage 4 of squaumas carcinoma (?), I know it has
something to do with his throat. He is in and out of the
hospital because of an infection that keeps reoccurring.
May God bless you for your continuing care and prayers
for Wanda and Joe. Nancy
Please pray for my son, Mark. He is 23 years old.
Although he was diagnosed with a form of bi-polar disorder,
he is in denial and refuses to see the doctor regularly or
take his medication. Lynn
This is my customer in Lakewood Park. He has 2 sons in
this nasty war. Needs prayers please. Thanks. Karen
Just reported that a Marine contingent from the ready
group is on the ground in Afghanistan. Mike is now in
blackout so I can not talk to him.... I don't know he is
with them but I know he is in the area... If he is not with
then Chris is. He went in with Mike and is in the forward
group of Mike's unit..... Prayers please. Woody |
March 6, 2002
Good morning all I need some help for a few coworkers
children, 1 is a 4 years old and her name is Nancy Vang. She
started out with a cold and it went into pneumonia and there
is problems with one of her lungs and they are going to have
to operate and its pretty serious. The other is Joshua Vang
and a real similar story but he is not at the surgery stage.
Please pray for their recovery and Strength for their
Parents. Christopher
Please pray for Mel who is recovering from surgery.
Please pray for a man named Matt. His language and his
actions are far from sacred and its greatly affecting his
Pray for Pam's mother as her cancer may have spread to
other areas in her body. May she and her family be strong in
upcoming months, and have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to
know what direction of treatment to do.
Please pray for those marriages that are suffering and
for the children involved so they may be strong and focus on
A friend of mine from Kentucky sent this to me and I pass
it on to all of you. Beth
Hello, everyone. I have a friend named Debra who is in
much need of prayer. She has been having blood work done
that started out just routine blood work and and the results
keep coming back less than stellar. She had more done today
and she won't see her doctor until next week. They are using
such words as cancer, lupus, and rhumetoid arthritis. She is
going to start calling Thursday and call every day to try to
get some information. As you can imagine, she is terrified.
She asked me for prayer and that in itself is quite
miraculous. When I told her of the many people that I would
ask for prayers, and the many prayer lists that she would
end up on she was quite moved. Thank you all and God bless
you all. Love, Cathy |
March 2, 2002
We got an update on the status of Rob Griffin and the
cancer treatments he has been receiving in Kansas City. As
most of you know after his bone marrow transplant Rob has
had a number of ups and downs. The medication Rob has been
on has caused him to have a very bad rash and this week the
doctors determined that the medication is not working with
the blood marrow transplant. Tomorrow they are putting him
on a new experimental drug that is suppose to be more
affective than what he has been taking. Rob, Karen and their
family continue to need our individual and communal
prayer. |
February 25, 2002
I received a desperate call Friday from a women who's
daughter brought up the term Cursillo. She wanted to know
more. The sad facts are this: her daughter has been
committing adultery for the past year. She has a loving
husband and three small children, does not wear her wedding
ring and has been prescribed drugs by her doctor to handle
the stress. She travels to Kansas City for weekend trips to
visit a man she is having an affair with, leaving her
husband no choice but to take off work to watch the
children. I suggested that the husband and wife get
counseling from a priest. I need the prayer warriors of
Cursillo to pray about this situation to thrwart the devil's
advances. He is about ready to claim another victory... we
must not let him! I ask that we band together and pray to
the Blessed Mother to intercede to Her son and our Savior
for this women and her family. Thank you. Steve
Please pray for the upcoming retreat this weekend at the
Church of St. Benedict. Joe and I are asking for an anointing
of the Holy Spirit so that we can proclaim the truth with
courage. We are praying that the hearts of the retreatants
will be open to receiving the graces that God has in store
for them. In the Heart of JMJ, Angela
Please pray for Pam's mother who is surviving ovarian
cancer, that she may continue to overcome it.
Pray for Rachel who is scheduled to undergo knee surgery
tomorrow. Please pray for the doctors and for a successful
surgery and quick recovery.
Pray for those who are suffering from physical &
emotional illnesses. |
February 24, 2002
This little guy needs all the prayers he can get. Please
pray for him and pass it on. Note that his doctor is the one
starting the prayer chain!
Grace, Peace, and Prayers are needed for Braedon and his
family. I, Dr. J. Matthew Durham, am writing to you now to
ask for your help. I do not really know how to start a
prayer chain, but we need a miracle. Braedon is just a
20-month-old baby boy in Clinton, South Carolina. A few
weeks ago his parents took him to Lauren's Country Hospital
with double pneumonia (both lungs).=A0. The next night he
was transferred to Greenville Memorial Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit in critical condition. He is in a "coma
like" state and on a respirator battling viral
pneumonia and is very weak. He is recognizing voices, as his
heart rate goes up when they sing/talk to him, it especially
got stronger when his big sister, Krista, talked with him.
The doctor says this is good and this makes him think that
Braedon's brain is doing fine. However, the doctors are
perplexed by the type of viral pneumonia he is fighting.
There is a hole in his lung that may require surgery.
Braedon, has recently taken a turn for the worst. His
blood pressure is extremely high, leading the doctors to
think he is having seizures or strokes. He now has 18 chest
tubes and lots of scar tissue building in his lungs. The
right lung has no healthy tissue at all, but at this point
he would not survive a lung transplant. He is still on life
support and may be on it for a long time.
The family appreciates all your prayers and they continue
to have lots of hope for improvement. I am told the family's
faith is such that they are expecting a miracle soon. Be a
part of that miracle. The power of prayer is great. I ask
for your prayers on their behalf. Please pray for Braedon's
healing and for strength and comfort for his family. I am
asking you to send this letter, or copies of it, to
everybody you can think of that will pray for Braedon.
Please also take his name to your church and church groups
and ask others to pray for his healing. Please take time to
do this right now. Many thanks and may God bless each one of
you who cares enough to pray for a little boy's life.
Dr. J. Matthew Durham 102 Ellis Ave. Abbeville, SC 29620
I put my Mom Jennie in the hospital last night St.
Francis room 8122. She is 85 and she has been in pain since
Feb. 13th. She had been checked by her Doctor but last night
the pain was so bad I took her to ER and they found a
widening in the Liver duct which could be a stone (her
gallbladder was already removed in 87) or cancer. They are
running more test to see for sure. She will probably have to
have surgery later this week. She is still recovering from a
broken sacrum (back) so has been threw a lot pray for God's
strength for her and our family to get threw another ordeal.
Thank you Rene |
February 22, 2002
My grandmother, Mary, passed away yesterday (Thursday)
morning around 11 am. Please pray for the repose of her soul
and the consolation of my mother, her brothers and the rest
of our family. She was a woman of great faith and devotion
to our blessed Mother. We will have a prayer service/Rosary
at Hayhurst Funeral Home in Broken Arrow at 7 pm Saturday
night. We will have the funeral mass and burial in
Massachusetts on Tuesday of next week. Thank you for your
prayers, Jeff |
February 21, 2002
Could you please put out on the prayer line to pray for
Karen, her family and her brother's family after he passed
away this morning at 9:05. His name was Larry. Thank You
An update on Rob Griffin-- seems like were too
optimistic, too soon. Rob has had a set back and will not be
going home at any identified time. They have done tests for
pneumonia and a procedure related to that. He is running
temperature and they are trying to determine the cause.
Also, has a "new rash" and they are watching for
Host/donor disease. Please continue the prayers for Rob and
his family. The good news is that his blood counts are
good--up to 6 now! Also, Rob's father, Gary was transported
by ambulance to St. Luke's yesterday with heart problems.
Pray for him and his wife, too. I am glad that they are both
at the same hospital, but it is very diffcult for everyone,
now. Gary has had heart hospitalizations before. DeColores,
Suzanne Novotnak
We found out today that Michael has Crohn's Disease.
There is no cure but can usually be treated. So pray that
they can help him he has now lost 65 lbs. It can be a very
nasty disease to have to live with so all your prayers are
appreciated. Thank You Rene Borchers.
Thank you for prayers for my friend, Amy. She got good
news today, there is no evidence of cancer in her bones!
Praise God! Please continue to pray as she hopes to return
to teaching before her chemo and radiation begins. Julianne
Dan, here is an update from my sister Susan on how our
cousin Tony is doing. We would appreciate it if everyone
would continue to keep him and his family in their prayers.
Everyone in the family if praying for him at 11:00am every
day (through Monday 2/25) for 15 minutes as that is when he
is getting his radiation treatments. DeColores, Mike Stephan
----- Forwarded by Mike----- I talked to Janice yesterday
and she said Tony is feeling pretty good. He goes to
radiation everyday until next Monday. I guess the Dr's told
him that this week he will start losing his energy due to
the radiation and this week he'll lose his hair. Then I
guess they will do another cat scan/MRI next week and see if
the radiation helped. At that time then they'll decide where
he will go for treatments. They're looking into John Wayne
hospital in California and still looking at Duke University.
I guess at John Wayne he can do a 5 day consultation and
then return home, which they like. There's lots of options
for them, it's just determining which one is the right
option. anyway, I just wanted to give everyone an update and
remember to say your prayers at 11:00 everyday. Susan
Baby Anna update
On Valentine's Day, Anna was six weeks old. We've seen
several answers to prayer this week:
* Anna had her 2nd esophagoscopy and dilation on 2/14.
The procedure went well.
* Anna is now receiving part of her feedings at one time
to check for reflux and is handling them well.
* She has gained almost a pound in the last ten days.
* Heart appears to be working well.
* After more illness this week, Christian and I are doing
better health-wise. Thanks so much for your concern and
Anna continues to make baby steps towards coming home.
Dr. Jegathesan believes she will need several more
esphogageal dilations before she can try to eat by mouth,
but this won't necessarily keep her in the hospital longer.
We still don't have any idea when she will be ready to come
home, but we appreciate your prayers for her continued
Love, Christian & Ingrid "In the day of my
trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me."
Psalm 86:7
Thank you so much for your prayers for triplets Jack,
Henry and Grace! They are all off oxygen, starting to bottle
feed and may be going home next week. They are 6 weeks old
now! Please continue your prayers for mom and dad too! Now
comes the hard part!!!!!!!! Thanks, The Coppicks |
February 19, 2002
Please pray for Dorothy of Edmond, her son Bill and
Bill's wife Barbara, close friends of ours. Dorothy has been
diagnosed with cancer and will be undergoing surgery soon,
but her prognosis is grave. Please pray for strength and
conversion for Bill and Barbara as they care for her. Thank
you very much and God bless you. DeColores, Lynn
Please continue to pray for my friend, Amy, who underwent
a mastectomy last Thursday. I believe they removed 17 lymph
glands and 14 were cancerous. She will have to undergo chemo
and radiation in the near future. Pray for a good recovery
from surgery and the strength to face the upcoming
challenges. Julianne
Continued prayer for the Griffin family--and an update!
Last Friday, it appears that all of the medications which
were causing Rob to be so disoriented, may finally be out of
his system! He is still vomitting some, but is eating a
little bit. If all goes well, he should be going
"home" to Karen's sister's home, late this evening
(Tuesday) or early Wednesday and will then begin daily trips
to the hospital for outpatient treatments. Pray that his
health continues to improve and that Christopher and Patrick
feel God's love and their parents' love for them during this
very difficult time of separation from each other.
DeColores! Suzanne
Pray for all those who are ill and dying.
DeColores |
February 18, 2002
For the couples attending the Marriage Encounter being
held the second weekend in March. We ask that God may extend
his loving hand to the couples putting on the weekend as
well as those attending the weekend. May the weekend help to
make Christ an ever more present partner in the lives of the
couples attending the weekend.
For the conversion of Rita's neighbor, Paul. He has been
away from the Catholic faith for a number of years and recently
has become filled with the Spirit as a member of another
church. May he continue to be filled with the Spirit and
open to joining our Catholic community in celebration of our
Please pray for Dana who is suffering from cancer and has
not received a very positive prognosis. May Dana, her
husband and their two children find the peace and faith
needed to see them through this very difficult time.
Continue to keep in your prayers the upcoming Cursillo
weekends. The time we spend offering Palanca for the
candidates makes the weekend a success and brings about true
Pray that during this Lenten time we may be strong in our
faith and look forward to the resurrection of our savior. |
February 15, 2002
Please pray for Howard, my brother, who was killed
yesterday (Wednesday) while trimming a tree near his home on
Bird Island at Grand Lake. His wife says she was waiting for
him to come in for lunch and when he didn't come, she went
looking for him. She found him under a tree limb. He will be
buried on Saturday at a little Methodist church in Ketchum,
I think, near Grand Lake. Please pray for him. And for my
family. Howard was my older brother at 66 and leaves a wife
Kathryn and two children with 4 grandchildren. I have one
brother left who is 58 and 4 sisters. We all need your
prayers. Thanks Much. Virginia
Please continue to keep my cousin Tony in your prayers, I
have attached two updates. He, his wife and family continue
to need our prayers and support. Mike
Tony's radiation went well. It wipes him out for about 3
hours then he feels a bit better. We won't know how
effective it is until after he is finished with his two
weeks. As for the fundraiser, it is on Feb. 23rd at St.
Joseph Shawnee church, but I don't have the time yet or the
address. Jeff
BROTHERS--- I have some disheartening news to report...
Tony has been diagnosed with malanoma, a type of brain
cancer and the outlook is not promising....According to Tim,
and Craig (Tony's youngest brother). Tony started two weeks
of radiation treatments on Tuesday (Feb. 12). Doctors have
already removed one big tumor, but another one of
considerable size remains, along with multiple lesions...The
malanoma is in "stage 4", meaning the cancer is in
the bloodstream... The family is requesting no calls for at
least two weeks (after the radiation treatments) because
Tony will be needing lots of rest...But you can send Tony
cards and letters to his home, 7938 Randall, Lenexa, KS
66215. I will try to keep you all updated on Tony's
situation....Please keep Tony in your thoughts and
Michael is a young man that has lost over 60 pounds and
has something wrong with his colon. The doctors are not sure
what it is. He is very sick and weak. Pray for him and his
doctors please. DeClores, Rene & Bo |
February 12, 2002
Update on the triplets we recently requested prayers for:
All three babies are back in open cribs and doing well. Jack
and Henry are on full bolus feedings. Jack is at 45cc/ 3hrs
and Henry 50ccs/ 3hrs. Both are tolerating the feedings
well. Grace is still continuous (16cc/hr) but doing well and
looking ready for bolus. All are more alert and like to be
held. Here are their weights as of this evening. Grace -
5lbs 9.9ozs Jack - 5lbs 15.4ozs Henry - 5lbs 15.8ozs
Hopefully bottles and coming off the oxygen completely are
just around the corner. Jack is the only one receiving
antibiotics at present. Thank you as always for your
continued support and help.
Update on Rob Griffin: I spoke with Karen Griffin at 6:00
PM today (Monday), and Rob is now requiring around the clock
nurses in his room as of this morning. His disorientation
continues to be a serious problem--apparently he has no
short term memory--he can't remember his doctors or nurses
from hour to hour. Long term memory is not the problem. He
still remembers relatives and friends in Tulsa, but is still
very confused about what is happening NOW. They did a spinal
tap to see if the Leukemia cells were present in his spine.
Praise God, that test was negative. He is having serious
reactions to medications, and apparently has an antibody
that is killing the good red blood cells. (Had 4 units of
blood, w/ little improvement. What blood cells are
increasing, tough and that is wonderful news.. Karen is
exhausted and does not want to leave him. Nursing staff is
insisting that she get some rest and she was going to her
sister's home tonight. She asked that we continue to lift
Rob in prayer and I am asking that we remember Karen and the
rest of the family, too. DeColores, Suzanne Novotnak
Please pray for the mother of Gail Hobbs that she will
have a full recovery from her surgery. Pray that Gail has a
safe trip to see her and returns home safely.
Please pray for the upcoming Marriage Encounter weekend,
that the couples will grow closer to Christ and to each
Please pray for my friend, Amy, who found out last Friday
she has breast cancer. She will be undergoing a mastectomy
on Thursday, Feb. 14th.
Pray for those who are sick and dying that they will be
comforted by our Lord.
Update on baby Anna:(Please keep in your prayers)
Anna had quite a busy week. On Tuesday, she kept turning
"dusky" (blue) and was rushed to the operating
room for an esophagoscopy (telescope) and dilation (to
stretch the surgery site). She has been able to breathe and
swallow better with each passing day; as of Thursday
evening, she no longer has a nasal cannula (a small tube
that sits under her nose to give extra oxygen) and seems to
be breathing well on her own.
Wednesday's echocardiogram showed that Anna's PDA is
still open slightly. The surgeon used the largest device
available, but as we mentioned previously, her PDA was quite
large. Her cardiologist believes that it has been closed
enough so that it is no longer causing stress on her heart
and lungs. They will monitor her heart and hope that the PDA
will finish closing spontaneously in the next year.
The plan for now is to increase her feedings through her
stomach tube and to dilate her esophagus again next Friday,
then every 7- 10 days thereafter until it is an acceptable
size. If all goes well, we might get to bring Anna home in a
couple of weeks.
Specific prayer requests: * Friday's dilation: Anna is
given an anesthetic for this procedure, which is always a
concern. Also, since the surgery was so recent, there's a
risk that the esophagus could tear, which would be very,
very bad. However, the more that the surgeon can do at once
means less times that Anna has to have this procedure done.
* Growth: Anna has gained a few ounces the last couple of
days, currently weighing 10 oz. over birth weight. An
average baby would have gained 1-2 pounds by now. * Reflux:
Anna's esophagus is somewhat shorter than average, and being
a new surgery site, reflux could be a huge problem. If it
is, we will have to consider another surgery. PLEASE pray
for lack of reflux! * Heart: For the PDA to close and for
healing. * Health for the parents: Christian has been sick
this week, which meant he couldn't see Anna for several
days, while I have developed an ulcer. I guess the fatigue
and stress has finally caught up to us. Thanks to all of you
for your concern. We are so grateful for your love and
friendship. Ingrid |
February 9, 2002
Please send prayer request to all in your address list. A
7-yr. old child named Danielle was abducted last Friday
night from her bed in the neighborhood behind my sister's
house in San Diego. They can't find any trace of her but
have repeatedly questioned a male neighbor. Please ask all
to pray for her safe return, and to send the word out to all
their friends/family for both prayer as well as getting her
photo out to anyone in the country. The family has a
website: http://daniellemissing.com/ that has a picture and
all the details. Thanks, Jeanne
As of today (02.08), Michael is out of surgery and in
recovery. He will still be critical for the next 48 hours.
Maria is holding up well. Mae (Maria's mother), who was
admitted to the hospital on Saturday with a mild heart
attack is also doing well. Thank you for all of your
prayers. Apparently, we got news of this and began praying
for her soon after she entered the hospital. According to
Maria, she was tested later on Saturday and no new damage
was found on her heart! Praise God. Maria has asked me to
extend the very deepest gratitude to all of you for praying
for them. She is completely overwhelmed by all of the
prayers and generosity of spirit that have been extended to
her family. She credits everything having gone smoothly to
your prayers. Maria is a Catholic and told me that she would
be having several Masses said for all of the prayer
warriors. Thank you all and God bless you today and always,
Prayer Warrior Sue
Dear family & friends, Mike & I had requested
prayers for Mike's cousin Tony earlier (he was taken to the
hospital with a sever migraine). They had done a biopsy on
his adrenaline gland and found cancer cells earlier this
week. Today we received an e-mail saying that it is melanoma
in the 4th stage which is not good. He will start 3 weeks of
radiation next week and a friend of the family (doctor) is
trying to get him into Duke in Houston or another place as
they are doing experimental cell therapy. This young man is
in his late thirties with several young children. Please
keep him and his family in your prayers. If you have a other
prayer warriors that you can pass this on to please do. If
you feel called to send them a note even though you don't
know them please e-mail it to us and we will snail mail them
to Kansas City. Mary (his wife) and Mike's brother (Fr. Jeff
Stephan) were suppose to go home last night and try to
explain this to the kids. We know this is all in God's
Hands. Thy Will Be Done! May He hold them in the palm of His
hand! God's Blessings to you and your family! Mike &
Please pray for our sister-in-law, Drema who is fighting
for her life. She has a staph infection in her spine and she
won't know if she's 'out of the woods' for 6 - 10 weeks.
Please pray for her family too. Dave and Susan Anderson
Please pray for a friend , Amy, who found out yesterday
that she has breast cancer. She's a single parent of two
daughters and she has great faith, but she certainly needs
prayers for her healing and for strength during this time.
Did hear Rob Griffin was better Friday, but he has a long
road of recovery and he still is watched very carefully.
Also keep Karen and the boys in your prayers.
Continue to offer palanca for the upcoming Cursillo
weekends. |
February 8, 2002
Rob Griffin update 9:30pm Thursday We received another
email earlier tonight regarding Rob's condition, I'm
forwarding on the most current - Monica writes: I just got
off the phone with Karen and Rob is really sick. He's also
disoriented--very confused. Karen said that this has been
the toughest part to go through because Rob has always been
alert. They did a MRI but haven't found anything. A
neurologist will be testing him tomorrow. Karen doesn't feel
comfortable leaving him right now and is VERY concerned. She
also said that she doesn't want visitors right now because
Rob is just too sick. She'll keep us updated on that when
that changes...Pray, Pray, Pray!!! Thanks!
Dear Prayer Warriors, I wanted to pass on this request
for prayer for Father Sean Heslin. As of today (02.07) ,
this is the update from the Church's (Our Savior Church in
Cocoa Beach) web site: http://oursavioursparish.org/ On
Friday, 02/01/2002, at 5 PM or so, our new Pastor, Father
Sean Heslin, was assaulted on the Church premises, injured
seriously, flown to a local Trauma Center and was in
intensive care that evening.
Your prayers for his recovery and for strength to the
Parishioners in a year that has been difficult for the
Church and the Nation, are earnestly solicited.
UPDATE:02/06/02: "After conferring with Father Sean's
doctors, we understand that Father Sean is doing much better
and is very responsive. He has no broken bones. He has
improved far beyond what was medically expected from the
injuries he sustained. We attribute his excellent progress
to the wonderful medical care provided him and to the power
of prayer. Keep praying! Thank you." The updates
regarding his condition will continue to be posted to the
Church's web site. You can also send a email to Father
Heslin from that page, if you would like to do so. There are
many clergy and members of the religious community who
participate in our prayer network. Please pray for Father
Heslin as well as each of them as they are on the front
lines for our Lord everyday. God bless you, Prayer Warrior
I am posting this for a fellow prayer warrior:
Please pray for Father Sean Heslin. He is the pastor of
my home parish, Our Saviour's, in Cocoa Beach. He was
attacked and nearly beaten to death on Friday inside the
church. I'm not sure of his condition. The newspaper
yesterday said he was in critical condition. He needs all
the prayers he can get for both physical and emotional
healing. Thank you.
God Bless! Sarah |
February 6, 2002
Kathy and Mike need continued prayers for their triplets,
who were born Jan. 8th and are still in the NICU at St.
John's. Their names are Grace, Jack and Henry. And they also
have an older sister, Emma(3 year old), who still thinks
they are in mommy's tummy. They were born at healthy
weights, but being premies they have had infections and have
lost weight, they are on ventilators and in incubators back
and forth. Mike and Kathy go in to see them one to two times
a day, and are exhausted. The time that they have not been
able to hold them is settling hard on the mother, please
pray for continued progress for the babies and strength for
the parents!
Tommy's co-worker Christian and his wife Ingrid also had
a baby Jan. 3, who is at the NICU at St. Francis. Her name
is Anna, she's already had 2 surgeries on her
esophagus/trachea and her heart. She has had fever and raspy
breathing, but she is off the ventilator. She also has an
older sister named Rachel. Please keep them all in your
prayers as they go through this difficult time.
Thank you, Karen & Tommy |
February 5, 2002
EMERGENCY REQUEST FOR PRAYER. Deacon Vernon Butler is in
a life threatening health crisis. He is in the Fairfax
Hospital but will be transferred soon to one of the Tulsa
hospitals. Diagnosis is uncertain but he is critical. Please
pray for revelation of his problem and a
solution/resolution. We Thank you Disciples of the True
Cross, Fairfax, OK. Much Love Love Much Charlotte
My heartfelt thanks to all of our wonderful prayer
warriors out there who took the time to add my friend T.D.
to their prayerlists and help him through his ordeal. De
Colores, Darrell
Please pray for Mike's cousin. (he was ordained a priest
this past summer). We had heard that Tony was admited to the
hospital Saturday night with a migrain. This is the update
we just got today. Tony is at Overland Park Regional Medical
Center in room 2317. He is no longer in ICU. However, the
prognisis is not that good. The doctors are doing a biopsy
on his adrenalin gland. If that comes out positive that
would mean that he has cancer and probably has already moved
to the brain. If it comes out negative, then they will do a
biopsy from the tissue in his brain. They are not real sure
yet whether it is cancer or not, that is why they are doing
these test. They won't have the results from today's biopsy
until tomorrow. Tony seems to be holding up pretty well.
Mary is pretty upset, but holding her own. Thank You,
Update on Rob. The transplant went very well! Karen said
that Rob is EXTREMELY weak--weaker then ever before.
Continue to pray for him and for the family. The weather in
Kansas City has been difficult--Karen's sister with whom she
is staying was without power for a couple of days. I haven't
heard if it is fully restored yet. Please update all to keep
up the prayers. Suzanne, good friend of Rob and Karen.
Please take a moment today to offer prayer for my
daughter-in-law, Misty's sister, who has entered treatment
for drug addiction, their father who will undergo surgery
today for a colon tumor and for Mike (my son) and Misty who
are praying about returning to the Church (Mike) and
becoming Catholic (Misty).
Thank you and have a blessed day! Mary |
February 2, 2002
Please add Father John Brown to your prayers. I spoke
with him today and while not life threatening, he is
overwhelmed this weekend with the needs of others and
schedules and asked for prayers for strength and endurance.
Continue to pray for Rob Griffin, we haven't heard any
news yet, hope to report very soon how the transplant itself
went. His recovery will be long and crucial - keep praying.
Pray for those who have lost electricity across the
country and who will be struggling to have means to stay
warm, be fed, and have community to assist them.
Dear Prayer Warriors, May I ask you to pray for Michael?
Just a few days ago, Michael was diagnosed with having an
aneurysm in his heart. He is a young man in his 40's and
devoted to our Savior. He is married to Maria who is very
involved with the Church, is a Eucharistic Minister, and has
brought many people to become more involved with their
faith, particularly through her Legion of Mary work (an
adjunct of the Church). They have no children together and
Maria is an only child, caring for her elderly mother who is
now in her 90's.
Maria met and married Michael "late in life"
and so he is her world, and his condition is quite serious.
I learned today that he will be admitted to the hospital on
Monday and kept there in preparation for his surgery on
Wednesday. If you would continue to pray for him through
this week, I would be very grateful.
Thank you, and may God continue to bless you abundantly,
Prayer Warrior Sue |
January 24, 2002
Please pray for Rob Griffin, who is scheduled for his
bone marrow transplant tomorrow, Jan. 31st. Pray for it's
success and for Rob to heal quickly and gain his strength
back quickly. Pray for the donor, and for Rob's family.
You may have already heard about the Wall Street Journal
South East Asia Bureau Chief, Daniel Pearl, who was
kidnapped in Karachi Pakistan on his way to an interview. He
has a young wife who is also pregnant. Initially they
accused him of being a CIA Agent and now they have corrected
that and accused him of being with the Israeli Mossad. They
have threatened to execute him within 24 hours (less than
that now) if their demands are not met. Their demands
include releasing all of the Pakistani prisoners from
Guantanamo Bay and returning them to Pakistan. This is quite
urgent. Please pray for his safety and release.
Pray for those couples who are struggling in their
marriages. |
January 24, 2002
Please pray for Fred of St. Bernard's Parish. Fred is
battling colon cancer and the ravages of chemotherapy, that
he will feel God's comfort and hope. His family, of course,
needs your prayers too.
I also ask for prayers for my teenage daughter that she
will continue to grow in faith and love for our Saviour.
Please pray for Gracia and Martin Burham. They are
missionaries who were kidnapped more than 8 months ago off
of a remote island in the Philippines by the terrorist group
Abu Sayef. They were featured on a TV news program where it
was clear that they are suffering terribly and at times are
becoming overwhelmed by their circumstances. Please pray for
their safe and immediate rescue and the restoration of their
lives. They have 4 young children who need them. Thank you,
and God Bless you. In Christ, Prayer Warrior Sue
I want to ask that you pray for a friend of ours Lisa.
Tomorrow Jan. 24. Lisa is having a bilateral mastectomy, do
to some cancer they have found. This is just the first
surgey of a few. She has 4 children, Beverly 7, Paul 5, Alan
2, Catherine 9 and husband Gary. So please join me in
praying for this family. With JESUS we can over come
anything. thank you and god bless Art
Please pray for my mother who will be having a series of
tests. the doctor isn't optimistic. prayer for her (Lucy
Galvin) well being, protection and peace. Thank you Josie |
January 20, 2002
A member of our parish in Wylie, Texas has twin nieces, 4
months old. They were both diagnosed last night (17th)
around 7pm with cancer behind the eyes. One of them is going
in for surgery this morning (18th) for removal of one of her
eyes. Please pray for them and their families. Becki
Please pray for Eve's Aunt Lucille who is having health
Pray for those who are suffering from all forms of cancer
and illnesses.
Pray for the upcoming Cursillo weekends, the
coordinators, team and candidates.
Pray for the Couple to Couple League's 2001 Convention at
St. Gregory's in June.
Pray for those who have have lost their jobs and those
who seek discernment in their current positions. |
January 15, 2002
Please add my father in law to your prayers this week.
His name is Dock (Aaron) . He thought he had a heart attack
early Sunday morning and he was life flighted to St.
Francis. Doctors have not determined if it was in fact a
heart attack, but he will be undergoing angioplasty and
other tests on Tuesday. Praising God with all of you! Martha
Please pray for my friend Rita and her family. Rita will
undergo surgery on Thurs. morning to replace a valve in her
heart. Thanks and God Bless, Beth
Please pray for Rob, he will be going to Kansas City for
a Bone Marrow transplant that is scheduled for Jan. 30th. |
January 14, 2002
All you prayer warriors out there. Please add to your
list an old Navy buddy of mine who is about to undergo heart
bypass surgery. Tee will undergo surgery this weekend, he
has artery blockage in several places in his body and has
had a previous heart attack. De Colores, Darrell
Please pray for Pam that her foot continues to heal, it's
been a very long process, and for continued healing in her
overall health.
Please pray for Julie's aunt and uncle.
Pray for those men, women and children in the RCIA
Pray for those 5th graders who will be attending the
various programs on vocations tomorrow in our diocese.
Pray for those married couples who are struggling with
challenges. |
January 12, 2002
We ask prayers for Mary Kaye's mother who will be having
an angiogram Friday, to determine future care, which may
involve angioplasty or surgery.
We ask for prayers for friends and family members who are
struggling in their marriages.
Thank you, Ed and Mary Kaye
Please pray for Jimmie, a fellow Cursillista who
has diabetes and who broke her foot some time back. It has
not healed and she will be having bone graft surgery next
Thursday in an attempt to repair her foot. Martha
Please pray for our first unborn child. Decolores Tamara
and Mike
My name is Gary "Nick" H., Some of you
receiving know me, some do not. My wife Cindy is 32 years
old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with stage 4
cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim.
She was pregnant with our second child and had miscarried at
5 months and now we know why. This is a request for you to
forward this email to everyone you know asking for prayer.
The more people that pray for her to be healed the better.
Pray and forward. It only takes a second to hit forward.
Please do it and don't delete this, your prayer will save
her life. Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray for
the HEALING of Cindy, removal of all cancer in her body so
she may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to
be the wonderful mother to our 5 year old son Michael. The
power of Prayer is unsurpassed. Unsurpassed. I want the
whole world to have her in their prayers the next few weeks.
God will hear our cry. Please do not be offended by my plea.
This is only a request for your help. Thank you from the
bottom of my ! heart for reading this and helping with our
request for healing, no words can express how much power we
have when we do a little extra to come together. Regards,
Cindy's in-love husband, Gary |
January 11, 2002
Please pray for our brother-in-law, Tripp, who was
admitted to the hospital tonight with heart problems.
Please, pray also, for his three young children, and for my
sister that she have strength and courage as she cares for
him and the children and maintains her job. Bob and Evy
Please pray for the family and friends of David. David
passed away Friday at the age of 43 due to a massive heart attack.
He leaves behind his parents, his wife- Shanti and Kenny-
his son, among others.
I just received an email from Marilyn regarding Ken's
test for prostrate cancer. The tests came back positive.
Please keep them in your prayers. Char
My mother-in-law, Billie, is going in for colon surgery
tomorrow (Monday, the 7th). Please pray for a successful
surgery and complete healing for her. She also needs much
prayer to be able to forgive all those who have hurt her and
to be free from bitterness and anger. Thank you for your
prayers! Sharen
Pray for the upcoming Cursillo weekends. |
January 6, 2002
Please keep in mind the many prayers for the New Year
that have been offered by all of us this past week.
Please keep in mind the special intentions offered by the
kids in my RE class this evening. Our children have many
intentions on their mind and we must join with them in
prayer. Dan
I need your prayers for my daughter who was call back to
serve her country and she will be leaving next Sat. for who
knows where and we won't know till she gets there. We are
hoping for somewhere safe!!! God Bless and you all are
always in my prayers, Marian |
January 5, 2002
Please prayer for my two friends. Mike and Susan have
been trying to bring new life into this world for almost two
years. They are seeing a specialist on the 15th of this
month. They are both Catholic and are very frustrated.
Please pray for them during this week as they are almost out
of hope. Thank you Dan
Please pray for married couple especially for those
struggling with challenges.
Please pray for those recovering from surgeries
especially Marti and Mel. Continue to pray for JeanAnn for
her leg to heal. Pray for the wife of Gene as she is
suffering once again with lymphoma (cancer). Please continue
to pray for Rob to heal in his battle with leukemia.
God Bless all of you prayer warriors in this new year!
Please pray that God will send someone into my daughter's
life who will be a caring, loyal friend. -a fellow
A friend of mine Yvonne will be having surgery tomorrow
morning sometime after 9:00 am. The surgery will take 7-8
hours. They will be removing a tumor from her brain. Please
pray for successful surgery and recovery for her.
Karen |
January 4, 2002
Please pray for Lonnie - He is in very critical condition
after passing out and falling into a pile of burning brush.
He has had one leg amputated, and surgery is scheduled to
amputate the second leg. His lungs are filling with fluid
and his kidneys are beginning to fail.
If you or anyone you know is in need of prayers please
let us know. We can never receive to much prayer and
support. |