School of Leaders

What is the School of Leaders? If we remember the last talk on the Saturday
of our Cursillo weekend, we were told that we are already leaders. Leaders who
have been identified and invited by our sponsors to live a Cursillo weekend and
then use the Cursillo method to live out our Fourth Day. The School of Leaders
is like a school of fish. We are all leaders and we get together in a group to
learn more about the Cursillo movement, how it works, what its place is in the
Church, and especially what its role is in our diocese. And just like in a
school of fish, we take turns "leading" the sessions.
Dear Cursillistas,
As Christians we are called to Know Him, Love Him and Serve the Lord.
God is pleased with you saying "Yes" to His call attend a Cursillo
Weekend and to live your Fourth Day. You are also called to be a Leader
in your environments. The Tulsa Diocese Cursillo Movement has a School
of Leaders to provide spiritual direction, education and Servant/Leader
Holiness, Formation and Evangelization. We are presently focusing our
School on establishing teams to focus on PreCursillo, 3 Day Weekends and
PostCursillo. The Cursillo Secretariat and School of Leaders will also
develop a Plan for our movement in Eastern Oklahoma over the next three
to five years. We have been blessed with a tremendous amount of growth
and momentum with many active new Cursillistas. As we live our Fourth
Day, we need the support and prayers of our entire community. We also
need Cursillistas to step forward and be servant/leaders within the
movement. I pray that you prayerfully discern a call to commit your time
and talent to the School. I ask that you evangelize other Cursillistas
that may not read this. If you are interested please attend our next
meeting. Please email me at
so I can add you to the School's email distribution list.
All Cursillistas Welcome. Please come to our School of Leaders held
the first Thursday of month at 7:00pm at St. Benedicts Church, Broken
Arrow, OK. We are all called to be Leaders... say yes to the call
and come join us.
Below you will find
the format for the School meetings.
Your brother in Christ,
Steve Krause Co-Lay Director - Tulsa Cursillo
Cursillo School of Servant/Leaders
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Location: St. Benedicts Church, Broken Arrow, OK (RE classroom #8)
Date: (First Thursday of each month)
* Prayer
* Doctrinal education: Spiritual Director
* School objectives, direction, roles
* Update on Weekends: * Leader Reunion Format and discussion
* Closing Prayer (final 30 minutes- Adoration of Blessed Sacrament in
A Leaders Retreat is Scheduled for June 22-23 Our Lady of Sorrows
Convent, Broken Arrow, OK This is a retreat to build community,
provide Spiritual Direction and develop our 3 year plan for our Cursillo
Movement in Eastern Oklahoma. It is open to all Cursillistas
that are interested in serving others through Cursillo to ensure growth
of our community and changing our environments.