During The Cursillo Weekend

Each day of the Cursillo Weekend begins with Morning
Prayers and ends with Night Prayers. Mass is celebrated daily (except
Thursday). Each participant should be aware that, since prayer is such an
intricate part of the Cursillo Movement, there will be other cursillistas
that will be continually praying and offering up sacrifices - for the
success of the Cursillo Weekend. There will be proper nourishment provided
and also adequate rest periods. Those that have special needs, such as a
particular diet or physical needs, will be attended to properly.
Thursday Night
This is a time to get to know each other and to have an
overview of the Cursillo Weekend. This is also the retreat phase of the
Cursillo Weekend, which is designed "To awaken the moral consciences
of the participants, beginning with an analysis of their own lives and
causing them to desire to encounter God." The retreat phase (done in
silence and ends Friday morning after Mass) includes three meditations and
"The Way of the Cross." The meditations are: 1) Know Yourself,
2) The Prodigal Son, and 3) The Three Glances of Christ (this is given
Friday morning).
The focus of Friday should be to help each participant to
have a better understanding of themselves. Friday should help them
discover what motivates them in different situations.
During this day the participants will hear five presentations. Three
presentations will be given by members of the laity and they are: 1)
Ideals, 2) The Layperson as the Church in the World, and 3) Holiness. The
other two presentations will be given by the Spiritual Directors and they
are: 1) Grace and 2) Faith. While the presentations provide the
participants with information and witnessed experiences, it is the table
discussions (following each presentation) that prove to be one of the real
dynamics of the Weekend. The sharing, which takes place during the table
discussions, provides the participants with an opportunity to share their
own insights about the presentation. Furthermore, the participants have
the opportunity to hear how other participants perceived that same
After each presentation and table discussions, the
participants will draft a written summary of the presentation and table
discussion. Later the participants will have an opportunity to graphically
illustrate their ideas of the presentations and table discussions. That
evening, each table group will share their summaries and graphic
illustrations with the other participants and team members.
The focus for Saturday is to combine that fully realized
self (that they learned about Friday) with a wonderful and loving God.
Saturday helps the participants to understand the current relationship
that they have with God and should spawn a desire for a still deeper and
fuller relationship with God.
The schedule for Saturday follows the same format as
Friday. Again, there are three laity presentations entitled: 1) Formation,
2) Evangelization, and 3) Leaders. As with Friday's schedule, there are
also two Spiritual Director presentations entitled: 1) Sacraments, and 2)
Obstacles to a Life of Grace. Table discussions again play a very dynamic
role in generating various insights concerning the presentations. The
summaries (of each presentation) and the graphic illustrations are shared
with all, just like on Friday.
The focus for Sunday is the understanding of ourselves,
our relationship with God, and how we can help Him in fulfilling His Will.
We learn what environments we belong to and how we can affect those
The same format is used on Sunday, except there is only
one Spiritual Director presentation - Christian Life. There are the usual
three laity presentations, which are: 1) Study and Evangelization of the
Environments, 2) Christian Community, and 3) Group Reunion and Ultreya.
Sunday night at the Clausura (Closing), the participants
come face to face with the larger Cursillo Community that has been so
supportive during the entire weekend. It is during this meeting that the
participants enter this Cursillo Community.