Thur June 6, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri June 7, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri June 21, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Thur July 11, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri July 5, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri July 19, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Weekend #31
Sept 26-29, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
Weekend #31
Oct 10-13, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
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The Cursillo Movement

Cursillo literature cites several
different definitions for the purpose of the Cursillo Movement. While the
wording (definitions) may vary, the idea is the same. This is due, in part,
to the fact that the purpose of Cursillo is multi-faceted. No one definition
can truly explain what Cursillo is. However, all the definitions can give
a much richer meaning to the purpose of Cursillo.
One definition
states: "The purpose (or goal) of the Movement is to make Christian community
possible in neighborhoods, parishes, work situations and other places where
people live the greater part of their lives. It makes possible for anyone
in the world to live a Christian life in a natural way."
Another definition lists
the purpose of the Cursillo Movement as: "The leavening of environments
with the Gospel." In other words,changing the places we spend time by being
Christlike in our thoughts, words, and actions
Still another definition
states: "Since it is a movement of the Church, the Cursillo Movement has
the same apostolic purpose as the Church herself. And the Church, as Pope
Paul VI told us, exists to evangelize."
There is yet another definition
that describes the purpose as such: "The Cursillo Movement is a movement
of the Church which by means of its own method makes it possible for people
to live what is fundamental for being a Christian, and to live it together;
it helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations, and it promotes
the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments
with the Gospel." These "core groups" are now referred to as "Environmental
As mentioned earlier, while
the wording of these definitions may differ, their ideas are the same.
The Cursillo Movement is focused to help each of us fulfill our baptismal
responsibility: to go forth, as apostles, and proclaim the Gospel. We can
no longer afford to sit passively by and "hope" that the world comes to
know Christ. We must make a conscientious effort to "tell" the world about
Christ. The Cursillo Movement provides us with the necessary tools for
fulfilling our baptismal responsibility along with the training for using
those tools.
In determining the purpose
of the Cursillo Movement, it is important that we focus on two important
aspects. The first aspect: We are communal people. The second aspect: We
are teamwork people.
We Are Communal People
By our very makeup (which
was conceived by God), we need relationships (interaction of two or more
persons). A relationship of husband/wife was required to bring about our
conception. A relationship of mother/child was required to bring about
our birth. Our growth from newborn to adulthood is filled with relationships
in school, family reunions, Church, vacations, etc. When we enter into
the working environments we find ourselves thrust into completely new relationships.
Neighborhoods can also provide various opportunities for relationships.
Social/Civic/Political involvement(s) most definitely depend upon relationships.
Therefore it is part of our nature to be part of various communities in
our everyday life.
We Are a Teamwork People
Early in our youth many of
us came to understand the value of teamwork. Even if one was not involved
in a formalized sports program, most were involved in some form of team
competition during P.E. (Physical Education class) at school. We also learned
the value of studying together in an attempt to improve our grades.
For those that serve (or
have served) in the military, they realize that the purpose of Basic Training
is to de-emphasize the individual and emphasize the team. Besides all these
examples of teamwork, Christ gave us the encouragement to work as a team:
"Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything
for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly
Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there
am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18: 19-20).