Thur June 6, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri June 7, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri June 21, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Thur July 11, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
RE classroom #8
Fri July 5, 7:00pm
St. Mary's, Tulsa
Fri July 19, 7:00pm
St. Benedict's, BA
Weekend #31
Sept 26-29, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
Weekend #31
Oct 10-13, 2002
St. John's, McAlester
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Deacon Jim Breazile o.c.d.s.
One day while Saint John Bosco was preaching in a Turin church. He was
reflecting on the glory of Mary. Suddenly he stopped his address and asked the
audience, "Who among you can tell me who Mary is?" Nobody
replied, so after a time, he repeated the question. Finally a soft voice rose in
the audience and said, "Mary is God's Mother."
"Exactly." Exclaimed Don Bosco. "Mary is the Mother of God, but
that's not enough. I want to learn something else from you. Who is Mary?"
One said, "Mary is the Queen in Heaven." Another said, "Mary is
the gate of Paradise." Everyone began to say what they thought. "Mary
is the comfort of sinners." "Mary is the help of Christians."
Mary is the health of the sick." "Very well, said Don Bosco, smiling.
"Mary is all that, but much more. I want you to tell me something
else." When no one answered, the saint said, "I will tell you
who Mary is. Mary is our Mother! Yes, our Mother! This is what counts, the main
thing for us. It is important for us to know that as in the world there is no
other person a dear as a mother. No one on earth who is loved so much and by
whom we are loved. There is no person so willing to grant us benefits and have
pity on us. So too in Heaven there is no other saint who loves us and is so
ready to listen to us to sympathize and to intercede for us as the Blessed
DEVOTION - Growth in love- 3rd stage
The Mysteries of the Rosary-15
THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES: The Fifth Glorious Mystery
Mary is crowned queen of heaven and of earth (Acts 1:38)
"Mary said, 'Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me
according to your word.'"
At a time determined throughout all eternity, the Lord sent an angel to speak to
a virgin in Nazareth. His announcement of the Incarnation elicited her
expression of submission, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the
Lord." At this moment, overshadowed by the Holy+ Spirit, Mary
experienced her personal Pentecost, and our Lord Jesus was conceived in her
womb. This moment in history began the process of redemption that was
finally accomplished through the blood of the cross. This initiating event
of humility of Mary was the beginning of the formation of the Church on earth.
She, who was to give birth to the human body of the Son of our Lord and Father
of all creation at that moment became the mother of His mystical body on earth.
She who gave birth to the Lord of the Kingdom of heaven by her humble will
became the Queen of heaven and of earth.
The scripture promise that the first shall be last and the last shall be first
applies particularly to the Blessed Virgin. She, like her Son "came
not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for
many"(Mt. 20:28). She made herself last, the most humble of all on
earth, in order that Our Lord could utilize her as a resilient instrument for
His entry into the world. Because of her taking the last place, the Lord granted
her first place in His kingdom. In her coronation as queen of all
creation, the Lord made her His bride. Having ascended to her Son, she
forms a link between all Christians and the Kingdom of God. As Bride, she serves
all Christians as a model of the Church. As mother of our Lord Jesus, she
is mother of all Christians.
Mary provides an example for all who wish to reach spiritual perfection.
There was nothing on earth that Mary found more important for her happiness than
to do the will of God. This was her food, her spiritual nourishment. She
understood that if one holds anything more dearly than to be with Our Lord, that
they cannot have Him. The Lord doesn't want us to just give 10% of our
time, talent and treasure. He has no need for any of our time, talent and
treasure. What the Lord wants, is 100% of our very self. We don't
have to understand his jealousy, we just have to accept it. Mary is the exemplar
of detachment from the world, Satan and the flesh. She precedes us as our queen
of all the universe, to show us the way to her Son.
This is the meaning of the Church's affirmation that the sacraments act ex
opere operato (literally: "by the very fact of the action's being
performed"), i.e., by virtue of the saving work of Christ, accomplished
once for all. It follows that "the sacrament is not wrought by the
righteousness of either the celebrant or the recipient, but by the power of
God." From the moment that a sacrament is celebrated in accordance with the
intention of the Church, the power of Christ and his Spirit acts in and through
it, independently of the personal holiness of the minister. Nevertheless, the
fruits of the sacraments also depend on the disposition of the one who receives
Ex Opere Operato
Deacon Jim Breazile o.c.d.s.
Ex opere operato
Echo's throughout the land
Lauded as an oratorio
Is sacramental operand
Christ accomplished once for all
What salvation does require
For correction of Edenic fall
Spirit affirms grace transpire
Sacrament grace is effective
To the capacity of the soul
To receive and make perfective
Grace's full and holy role
